Executive Recruitment Office

Excutive recruitement Office | Renovation | Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Home from home

Our client runs an executive recruitment business from a beautiful period building in Tunbridge Wells. The small team was operating from two good-sized rooms, but the interiors were basic and uninspiring. Our brief was to create a welcoming, versatile space that had a smart but comfortable feel; an environment that felt better than working from home. Talking to people is a key part of the business, and the office now makes meeting and working together a pleasure.


A versatile workplace

Many different types of work take place in the space, from meeting clients and candidates, to day-to-day admin and the odd late night. The main office/meeting room is now an extremely hardworking, versatile workspace that can accommodate any challenge thrown at it. A smart hot desk with a comfortable, high-backed leather chair and large screen creates a focused corner for online meetings or working at the computer. Guests can be welcomed with a fresh coffee or chilled drink from the bar unit.

A 3-in-1 transforming Table

All good design starts with asking, how best can we use this space? The answer here was: in more ways than one. We sourced an incredible 3-in-1 table for the meeting space, which converts from a coffee table to a desk, and to a table, allowing colleagues to meet, work, and even, from time to time, share a late-night pizza.

private office

The space also provides a private office for quiet working or confidential meetings. Our client enjoys a meditation and yoga practice, so the scheme in this room was kept calm and minimal, with colour provided by an existing art collection. Plants and wood finishes add a natural touch and good storage keeps surfaces free of clutter.


The overall scheme was designed to feel luxurious but calming, conducive to work but comfortable. Jewel colours were mixed with soft sage greens and we added texture with velvet, satin and embroidery.

We chose curved shapes for the chairs that have their backs to the room, as this creates a softer look in the space. On the walls, a round mirror bounces light and balances the angular shapes of the paintings. A curved-top wardrobe provides plenty of storage for coats and personal belongings, and the wood brings warmth to the overall scheme.

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